Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Let The Craziness Begin

So here we are, 10 months removed from graduating finding ourselves in the real world and any semblance of those fun college days are far behind us. Thats where this blog is born, out of boredom and an outlet needed to throw our ridiculous thoughts and inane youtube comments.

Who are we? none of your goddamn business thats who!

Well if you must know we are two post-grad communication students (who actually found jobs after college) and one over-achieving grad student ((he wishes) the over-achieving part, not the grad-student part). Yes I just used double quotations, what are you gonna do about it, thats what I thought.

Seeing as there are three of us who may or may not update this frequently, you should come back every five minutes to see if we posted another hilarious anecdote to brighten you other wise dull lives. By the way there will be a podcast. How freeking cool is that?

Ok I'm tired of writing, this blogging stuff is tiresome. Welcome and Enjoy.

Yours Truly

Sal "GTL" Accardi

I will also leave with one of the many youtube videos I am obsessed with right now.

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