Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bringing it Back

So I know we’ve almost completely abandoned the blog within months of starting it but I’m determined to bring it back. As Sal mentioned I am a student and unfortunately I work two jobs as well. One of the jobs I work is an internship at a small securities trading firm, which I have only recently started. During the opening and the close it is extremely busy around here, but in the middle of the day it gets a little slow, so expect much more blogging out of me cuz I’m bored as shit.

What I wanna discuss now is this oil spill problem. I mean its fucking terrible and all but like could the solutions to this shit be any more retarded. Like granted it was an accident and all but this isn’t like driving your car through a store window because youre getting a hummer in the front seat, this is like a major issue, it would be like driving your car through the front window of a nuclear powerplant and accidentally setting off the reactor. And then to solve all the radiation problems that it caused we just made people wear an extra sweater when they go out. Like clearly sending mud down to clog up the hole is retarded. Like I’m no genius and I don’t do science but like a giant deep sea underwater pipe isn’t gonna be clogged up by some mud unless its like fucking jesus mud. Like it must be super mud to fix a giant mistake like that. Then I heard about another solution, let’s affix a giant cork to a giant gun of sorts and fire it down at the hole. Whoever thought of that should be fucking shot, like take them outside line them up and shoot them, twice, to make sure it worked. Then the entire family should be rounded up and shot as well so as not to perpetuate any more stupid fucking ideas.